Wednesday, 19 December 2007

In bed for nearly 24 hours now

and to be honest I'm quite bored...


  1. Tried all the usual ways of keeping yourself entertained?

  2. It really is a pisser isn't it?

    Full of snot myself - not been near a bike for 2weeks :(

  3. You guys need to keep the zinc flowing.

  4. A little, at least I'm out of bed now, still heavily dosed up on day and night nurse

  5. I didn't have any night nurse but we did have some nasty whisky as a present, so I tried large doses of that, -I feel like death and I have a hangover, I sweat so much last night I'm sure a salmon went past me this morning, crayons

  6. 24 hours is impressive. I've only managed a max of 16 hours in the last week of hell, but then most of the other 8 were spent under a blanket on the settee.....

    Now drugged up to the eyeballs though and hopefully starting to get over it, but it means that I'm on antibiotics over Hogmany. This is a Very Bad Thing.....
