Thursday and nothing, more time wasted working on the computer, back not too bad.
Friday and no riding, visit to the museum was good though.

Saturday, just an hour in the morning on the cross bike.
Sunday, sposed to ride to the seaside here today, I didn't.

Monday, nowt....
Tuesday, rode to work on the fat bike, 22 miles, no back pain.
Wednesday, rode to work on the fat bike with my sleeping bag, sleeping mat and bivvy bag strapped to the bike, all seemed to work well, no swingage. Jandd frame bag ordered now, that should take care of the stove and food, also hoping to be able to put spare tubes and tools in that and that just leaves the Ortlieb dry saddle bag to fit for extra clothing.
In theory that means just water for food to go into frame mounted water bottles, drinking water and bit and bobs in a rucsac on my back and I'm good to go.
26 mies today

Thursday, The day started cool and damp, autumn is here early.

But then ended with 33 fat and dusty miles on the fat bike, in sunshine and warmth, I also saw an albino Swallow today, first time I've ever seen one.

Friday, nowt, legs tired, and the bike I pulled out of the cellar last night had a front wheel puncture this morning.
So, 500 miles ?, nope, about 250 was all...... but I did enjoy those miles :-)